The Placement Process

: Check requirements. Please read through all the requirements and FAQ on our website so that you know which job titles, types of projects, and types of documentation must be included in your application for the QL on which you seek placement. 

STEP 2: Register. Once you feel you have met the requirements and are ready to start an application, please register on our site to begin. This is necessary for anyone who has never used our online application system before. Once you have registered, you will receive the instructions for how to use our online portal. *If you would like to submit a hard-copy application, please email mailbox@dgaca.org for more information. 

STEP 3: Prepare your documents. You will need the documentation outlined in the last question under the “FAQ” tab. Start with your most recent project and work your way backwards chronologically. Arrange and organize all of your paperwork according to the instructions you received

STEP 4: Fill out your application and upload all required documentation. Click submit when you are completely finished with your application. Once you have submitted, you cannot go back and make changes. *A guide for filling out hard-copy applications ONLY can be found under “How to Fill Out Forms”. The .pdf form-fill application on this site is for hard-copy applications ONLY.

STEP 5Applications are reviewed in the order in which they are received based on the contract provisions in effect on the date the completed application and all supporting documents are received by our office. DGACA has the discretion to determine if an application is complete. Incomplete applications will be sent back without review.

STEP 6: It generally takes six weeks to process an application after it is received by DGACA. (Exception: Requests for upgrades on a Qualification List are generally processed in two to three weeks. An example of an upgrade is a change in job classification on the Southern California Qualification List. The application and supporting documentation are the same for initial applications and for upgrade requests, but processing time is shorter for upgrade applications.)

STEP 7: If additional information is required to process an application, DGACA will contact an applicant via email.

STEP 8: After the application and supporting documents have been reviewed and DGACA is satisfied the applicant has met the requirements for placement, DGACA notifies the Directors Guild of America of its intention to place the applicant's name on the Qualification List. The applicant receives a copy of this intent-to-place letter. Be sure all of your contact information has been filled out in your profile.

STEP 9: The Directors Guild reviews the DGACA application and submitted documents, and it has 30 days to challenge DGACA's intent-to-place based on contract language in the DGA Basic Agreement. The Guild's staff reviews all initial and interchange applications. The DGA AD/UPM Council also reviews the applications at its regularly scheduled meetings at the beginning of each month.

STEP 10: If the Directors Guild objects to a placement, the Guild will provide information to DGACA regarding its objection. DGACA will give good faith consideration to the Guild's concerns. If the Directors Guild has no objections, the applicant is sent a final letter advising them of their Qualification List placement. The individual's name will appear on our website as written on the QL application.